Jim Quinn                                                                             Personal Page
Materials Science and Chemical Engineering
Materials Characterization Lab
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794+2275
(631) 632-6663 or 8495 FAX : 632-8052
james . quinn @ stonybrook . edu


Director of Laboratories
Materials Science & Chemical Engineering
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Job Responsibilities: EVERYTHING
July 1994 - present

Post Doctorate:
Beam Line Scientist, H9A' Neutron Reflectometer, HFBR
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Polymer Structure, Stony Brook
January 1993 - June 1994


Ph.D., Surface Science
State University of New York at Stony Brook.
Date of completion, December 1992.

LEED Studies of Atomic Structures of
Si{111} √3*√3-30-metal Surface Phases

Advisor: Franco Jona
The surfaces studied for the thesis are Au, B, Ce, and Mg
on Si{111}, for which the root3 structures with Au and B have
been determined.

B.S. in Physics, SUNY at Stony Brook, May 1983.

Areas of specialty

Previous Research

Dynamical Low-energy Electron Diffraction studies to
determine the structure of sub and near monolayer metal
films on semiconductor surfaces, multilayer relaxation of
clean metal surfaces, and structure of epitaxial metal
films on metal surfaces.

Specific studies of interest are those for the rare-earth
surfaces of Gd{11-20}, Tb{1-120}, Gd(0001), and Tb(0001),
for which the surface relaxations have been determined.

Ultraviolet Photoemission studies to determine the band
structure of clean metal surfaces and epitaxial metal films
on metal surfaces.

Neutron and X-ray reflectivity studies to determine
the interfacial properties of polymer thin-films.

Specific skills of interest are the design, construction,
machining, repair, maintenance, and programming of electronics,
UHV equipment, and software for surface science applications
and analysis of spectra.

General areas of interest include structural studies for the clean surfaces
(and overlayers there upon) of semiconductors, metals, polymers,
magnetic thin-films, reacted systems, and alloys.


  1. Y. Tian, J. Quinn, K.-W. Lin, and F. Jona.
    Structure of stepped surfaces: Cu{320}.
    Phys. Rev. B 69, 4904 (2000).

  2. H.Over,S.Y. Tong, J. Quinn, and F. Jona.
    Refinement of the Si{111} rt3*rt3-30-Ag Structure by Low-Energy Electron Diffraction.
    Surface Review and Letters, 2,451 (1995).

  3. H.Huang,H.Over,S.Y. Tong, J. Quinn, and F. Jona.
    Atomic Geometry of Ge{111} rt3*rt3-30-Ag Determined by Low-Energy Electron Diffraction.
    Phys. Rev. B 49, 13483 (1994).

  4. S.C. Wu, H. Li, J. Quinn, D. Tian, Y.S. Li, A.M. Begley, S.K. Kim, F. Jona, and P.M. Marcus.
    Electronic and Crystallographic Properties of Reconstructed and Non- reconstructed Au{001}.
    Phys. Rev. B 49, 8353 (1994).

  5. A.M. Begley, S.K. Kim, J. Quinn, F. Jona, H.O. Over, and P.M. Marcus.
    The Growth of Ultrathin Films of Fe on Au{001}.
    Phys. Rev. B 48, 1779 (1993).

  6. J. Quinn, C.P. Wang, F. Jona, and P.M. Marcus.
    Determination of the Atomic Structure of a Gd{11-20} Surface.
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 5, 541 (1993).

  7. J. Quinn, Y.S. Li, F. Jona, and D. Fort.
    The Atomic Structure of a Gd(0001) Surface.
    Phys. Rev. B 46, 9694 (1992).

  8. J. Quinn, F. Jona, and P.M. Marcus.
    Atomic Structure of Si{111}rt3*rt3-30-Au.
    Phys. Rev. B 46, 7288 (1992).

  9. D. Tian, H. Li, S.C. Wu, J. Quinn, Y.S. Li, F. Jona, and P.M. Marcus.
    Epitaxy of MnO on Cu{001}.
    Phys. Rev. B 46, 7216 (1992).

  10. Y.S. Li, J. Quinn, F. Jona, and P.M. Marcus.
    The Atomic Structure of Tb{11-20}
    Phys. Rev. B 46, 4830 (1992).

  11. S.C. Wu, H. Li, Y.S. Li, D. Tian, J. Quinn, F. Jona, D. Fort, and N.E. Christensen.
    Re-examination of the Electron Band Structure of Tb along A.
    Phys. Rev. B 45, 8867 (1992).

  12. H. Li, D. Tian, J. Quinn, Y.S. Li, S.C. Wu, and F. Jona.
    Structural and Electronic Properties of Ultra-thin Films of Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er.
    Phys. Rev. B 45, 3853 (1992).

  13. J. Quinn, Y.S. Li, F. Jona, and D. Fort.
    Surface Relaxation of Tb(0001).
    Surf. Sci. 257, L647 (1991).

  14. S.C. Wu, H. Li, Y.S. Li, D. Tian, J. Quinn, and F. Jona.
    Surface State on Clean Tb(0001).
    Phys. Rev. B 44, 13720 (1991).

  15. Y.S. Li, J. Quinn, H. Li, D. Tian, F. Jona, and P.M. Marcus.
    Large Strains in the Epitaxy of Cu on Pt{001}.
    Phys. Rev. B 44, 8261 (1991).

  16. H. Li, S.C. Wu, D. Tian, J. Quinn, Y.S. Li, F. Jona, and P.M. Marcus.
    Growth and Structure of Ordered Thin films of Cu on Pd{001}.
    The Structure of Surfaces III, p. 328,
    Springer Series in Surface Sciences, Vol. 24,
    S.Y. Tong, M.A. Van Hove, K. Takayanagi, X.D. Xie;
    Springer Verlag, 1991.

  17. H. Li, S.C. Wu, D. Tian, Y.S. Li, J. Quinn, and F. Jona.
    Ultrathin Films of Rh on Au{001} and Rh on Ag{001}: Growth Mode and Magnetism.
    Phys. Rev. B 44, 1438 (1991).

  18. H. Li, J. Quinn, Y.S. Li, D. Tian, F. Jona, and P.M. Marcus.
    Multilayer Relaxation of Clean Ag{001}.
    Phys. Rev. B 43, 7305 (1991).

  19. H. Li, D. Tian, J. Quinn, Y.S. Li, F. Jona, and P.M. Marcus.
    Low-energy Electron Diffraction and Photoemission Study of Epitaxial Films of Cu on Ag{001}.
    Phys. Rev. B 43, 6342 (1991).

  20. H. Li, S.C. Wu, J. Quinn, Y.S. Li, D. Tian, F. Jona, and P.M. Marcus.
    Electronic Properties of Body-centered-tetragonal Copper.
    J. Phys: Condens. Matter 3, 7193 (1991).

  21. J. Quinn, Y.S. Li, H. Li, D. Tian, and F. Jona.
    Atomic and Electronic Structure of Fe Films Grown on Pd{001}.
    Phys. Rev. B 43, 3959 (1991).

  22. J. Quinn and F. Jona.
    New Results on the Reaction of Si{111} and Mg.
    Surf. Sci. Lett. 249, L307 (1991).

  23. J. Quinn, Y.S. Li, D. Tian, H. Li, F. Jona, and P.M. Marcus.
    Anomalous Multilayer Relaxation of Pd{001} Surface.
    Phys. Rev. B 42, 11348 (1990).

  24. H. Li, Y.S. Li, J. Quinn, D. Tian, J. Sokolov, F. Jona, and P.M. Marcus.
    Quantitative Low Energy Electron Diffraction Study of the Epitaxy of Fe on Ag{001}:
    Questions about the Growth Mode.
    Phys. Rev. B 42, 9195 (1990).

  25. S.C. Wu, H. Li, C.K.C. Lok, J. Quinn, Y.S. Li, D. Tian, F. Jona, J. Sokolov, and N.E. Christensen.
    Electron Band Structure of a Rare-earth metal Tb(0001).
    Phys. Rev. B 41, 11911 (1990).

  26. H. Huang, S.Y. Tong, J. Quinn, and F. Jona.
    Atomic Structure of Si{111}rt3*rt3-30-B by Dynamical Low-Energy Electron Diffraction.
    Phys. Rev. B 41, 3276 (1990).

  27. Y.S. Li, J. Quinn, F. Jona, and P.M. Marcus.
    Low Energy Electron Diffraction Study of Multilayer Relaxation on a Pb{110} Surface.
    Phys. Rev. B 40, 8239 (1989).

  28. H. Li, S.C. Wu, D. Tian, J. Quinn, Y.S. Li, F. Jona, and P.M. Marcus.
    Epitaxial Growth of Body-centered-tetragonal Copper.
    Phys. Rev. B 40, 5841 (1989).

  29. S.C. Wu, C.K.C. Lok, J. Sokolov, J. Quinn, Y.S. Li, D. Tian, F. Jona, and P.M. Marcus.
    Surface State and Surface Resonance at Center of the Brillouin Zone of Cu{001}.
    Phys. Rev. B 39, 13218 (1989).

  30. S.C. Wu, J. Sokolov, C.K.C. Lok, J. Quinn, Y.S. Li, D. Tian, F. Jona, and P.M. Marcus.
    Relativistic Effects in the Electronic Structure of Cu{001}.
    Phys. Rev. B 39, 12891 (1989).

  31. S.C. Wu, H. Li, J. Sokolov, J. Quinn, Y.S. Li, and F. Jona.
    Angle-resolved Photoemission Study of the Ag Band Structure along the L Line.
    J. Phys. Condens. Matter 1, 7471(1989).

  32. S.C. Wu, C.K.C. Lok, J. Sokolov, J. Quinn, Y.S. Li, D. Tian, and F. Jona.
    Angle Resolved Photoemission Study of the Ag Band Structure along the X Line.
    J. Phys. Condens. Matter 1, 4795 (1989).

  33. S.H. Lu, J. Quinn, D. Tian, F. Jona, and P.M. Marcus.
    Structural Properties of Epitaxial Films of Fe and Cu and Cu-Based Surface and Bulk Alloys.
    Surf. Sci 209, 364 (1989).

  34. S.C. Wu, C.K.C. Lok, S.H. Lu, J. Quinn, Y.S. Li, and F. Jona.
    Observation of a Surface State in Overlayer of Au on Pt{001}.
    Phys. Rev. B 38, 7448 (1988).

  35. Z.Q. Wang, S.C. Wu, J. Quinn, C.K.C. Lok, Y.S. Li, F. Jona, and J.W. Davenport.
    Experimental Band Structure of Cu3Au.
    Phys. Rev. B 38, 7442 (1988).

  36. S.C. Wu, S.H. Lu, Z.Q. Wang, C.K.C. Lok, J. Quinn, Y.S. Li, D. Tian, F. Jona, and P.M. Marcus.
    Cu{001}c(2*2)-Pd: an Ordered Surface Alloy.
    Phys. Rev. B 38, 5363 (1989).

  37. Z.Q. Wang, C.K.C. Lok, J. Quinn, Y.S. Li, and F. Jona.
    Electronic structure of a Surface Alloy: Cu{001}c(2*2)-Au.
    J. Phys. C 21, 653 (1988).

  38. S.H. Lu, Z.Q. Wang, S.C. Wu, C.K.C. Lok, J. Quinn, Y.S. Li, D. Tian, F. Jona, and P.M. Marcus.
    Structural and Electronic Properties of a Surface Alloy of Pd and Cu on Cu{001}.
    Phys. Rev. B 37, 4296 (1988).

  39. Z.Q. Wang, Y.S. Li, C.K.C. Lok, J. Quinn, F. Jona, and P.M. Marcus.
    Atomic and Electronic Structure of a Surface Alloy - Comparison with the Bulk Alloy.
    Solid State Commun. 62, 181 (1987).

  40. Z. Li, W. Zhao, J. Quinn, M.H. Rafailovich, J. Sokolov,
    R.B. Lennox, A. Eisenberg, X.Z. Wu, M.W. Kin, and S.K. Sinha.
    X-ray Reflectivity of Diblock Copolymer Monolayers at the Air/Water Interface.
    Langmuir 11, 4785 (1995).

  41. Y. Liu, S.A. Schwarz, W. Zhao, J. Quinn, J. Sokolov, M. Rafailovich, D. Iyengar, E.J. Kramer, and W. Dozier.
    Concentration profiles of end-grafted, diblock and triblock polymers in the melt: near-wall structure effects of segment-wall interaction.
    Europhys. Lett. 32, 211 (1995).

  42. Y. Liu, J. Quinn, M.H. Rafailovich, J. Sokolov, X. Zhong, and A. Eisenberg.
    Neutron Reflectivity Study of Poly(vinyl-4-pyridine)-Deuterated Polystyrene (P4VP-dPS) Diblock Brushes.
    Macromolecules 28, 6347 (1995).

  43. R.M. Overney, D.P. Leta, C.F. Pictroski, M.H. Rafailovich, Y. Liu, J. Quinn, J. Sokolov, A. Eisenberg, G. Overney.
    Compliance measurements of confined polystyrene solutions by atomic force microscopy.
    Phys. Rev. Let. 76,, 1272 (1996).
