Al - Aluminum
Au - Gold
Be - Beryllium
C - Carbon, diamond
Co - Cobalt
Cu - Copper
Fe - Iron
Ge - Germanium
Ir - Iridium
K - Potassium
MgO - Magnesium Oxide
Mo - Molybdenum
Ni - Nickel
Pb - Lead
Pd - Paladium
Pt - Platinum
Re - Rhenium
Rh - Rhodium
Ru - Ruthium
Sc - Scandium
Si - Silicon
Ta - Tantalum
Tb - Terbium
Te - Tellurium
Ti - Titanium
V - Vanadium
W - Tungsten
Zr - Zirconium
Additional data is available on our department's data page.
Please note, that this data can be sent to you in ASCII format. We plan to post it for direct access.
Additional Information:
If you want to see more, then drop us a line.
The data collected at Stony Brook were sponsored by NSF, DOE, and ONR.