MO     HE     SC     Spin/Contact   Nano   DoE   Bio   Gas_Perm   Fuel   3d_Print   Hydro  


  • Syllabus 2017 (PDF)
  • Introduction to Cells (PDF) 04/18/2016
  • Program and Student Outcomes
  • timeless: Grading Rubric
  • timeless: Holman Chapter 3
  • timeless: Chi Square Fit
  • timeless: Report Format
  • timeless: Practice Final (PDF)
    Last announcement for the class;
    1. Please do the following problems for homework from the Gaussian or
    Normal Distribution Write-up
    We will have recitation on friday and review it then.
    3.4, 3.10, 3.11, 3.13, 3.20, 3.60, 3.61, 3.63
    2. Reminder-Monday (old stuff)
    Laboratory experiments student symposium
    Each talk will be 10 minutes long followed by a 2 minute Q&A session.
    Student session chairs will appointed, once I get all abstracts.
    Please e-mail me your abstract if you have not done so yet.
    You will not be able to present without an abstract.
    The presentations will begin at 12:40 and we will resume again during the
    laboratory session.
    3. Bio materials Experiment: (old stuff)
    The biomaterials lab write up is due by the Friday recitation session. This
    is our last day and hence no late labs will be accepted.
    Please hand in your report either to ME or Lourdes Collazo.
    4. Portfolios are due by the final, on Friday, May 14- at 2:30. (old stuff)
  • timeless:

    Midterm: timeless
    Topics Covered: Sources of Error , Error Propagation,
    Linear Regression, Least Squares for linear function, Statistical
    definitions, Garphical representations.

    Please do for homework and we will review in class the
    Midterm from March 2001 (RTF-file). Your test will be similar in structure.

  • HW #1
  • HW #2 (old)
  • HW #3 (old)
  • Grading Policy
  • Syllabus

ESM 460, Advance Engineering Laboratory

  • Title: Advanced Engineering Laboratory
  • Old Title: Structural and Electronic Properties of Solids
  • Type: Laboratory course
  • Description:
    Crystallographic properties of solids are studied by X-ray and electron-diffraction experiments and microstructural properties by light and electron microscopy. Electronic properties are investigated by conductivity, dielectric, and optical-absorption measurements.
  • Prerequisites: ESG 332; CHE 199; PHY 132 or 142 or 126, 127; ESM 302
  • Corequisite: ESG 333
  • Time: Spring, 2 credits

History of Continuing Laboratory Development

The students perform a series of experiments to acquaint themselves with various advanced technologies involved in materials design. The goal is to familiarize the student with apparatus commonly encountered in industrial or academic research laboratories. Emphasis is placed on computer based data acquisition, analysis of data, and integration of complementary techniques in design problems.

The student's grade is based on laboratory reports and two oral presentations. More advanced students may opt to develop some of the experiments into senior research projects which can be published in the Journal of Undergraduate Research.

Effectiveness of Present Equipment

Equipment has been purchased to set up eight experimental stations, a sample preparation area, and a sample analysis area. The equipment is modern, research grade so that the students will familiarize themselves with a variety of apparatus they will encounter in typical professional materials research laboratories.


  1. Hall Effect:

    The Hall Effect in materials is characterized or exploited in one of two possible experiments. In the first case, the effect, the band gap, and charge carrier concentrations are measured in Ge and Si crystals. In the second case, commercial magnetic-sensors, which use the Hall Effect, are characterized by their type, hysterisis, sensitivity, linearity, and temperature coefficient as a function of applied magnetic field, driving voltage, and temperature.

    An online labreport is available for registered students.

  2. Range and Stopping Power of Different Materials of Alpha-particle radiation: (discontinued)

    Students measure the particle energy spectrum from Am, Cu, and Pa à-emitting sources and analyze the pulse shape and height when the particles pass through films of various thicknesses and materials. Relations for stopping power and straggling as a function of atomic number are determined. Conditions for the design of radiation shielding are derived.

  3. High Tc Superconductor:

    The transition temperatures of high Tc superconducting discs are determined from the Meisner effect and four-point resistivity measurements. Additionally, the students make their own discs using a press and high-temperature oven. Finally, the structure of the precursor materials and final disc are determined using X-ray diffraction. An online labreport is available for registered students.

  4. Interfacial and Surface Energies via Contact Angle Measurements:

    The Young relation for contact angles is used to determine the wetting properties of various liquids on silica, Teflon, high density polyethylene, and polished metal surfaces. The surfaces are then modified via chemical etching, or mechanical polishing to determine the changes induced in the surface energies.
    An online part1, part2, and part3 labreport (PDF ".pdf") is available for registered students.

  5. The Effect of Substrate Mechanical Properties on Cell Growth

    An online labreport (".rtf") is available for registered students.

    An online labreport requirements (".txt") is available for registered students.

  6. The Mossbauer Effect: (discontinued)

    The Mossbauer Effect is used to study the internal magnetic field in Fe and Fe alloys. The change in the magnetic fields induced by work hardening and/or annealing are then studied.

  7. Fracture Toughness of Polymer Interfaces:

    Parallel plates of common incompatible polymers are compression molded and the fracture toughness of the interface after annealing is determined by optical microscope observation of crack propagation. The compatibilization properties of block co-polymers are then demonstrated by measuring the layer increase in fracture toughness when block-copolymers are present at the interface.

    The more advanced student can then opt to continue this project and determine using SIMS, the optional block co-polymer concentration to produce the maximum enhancement in a given blend. The results are often sufficiently unique to enable publication.

  8. Magneto Optic Effect:

    The students get to visualize and measure the magnetic/optical properties of a new class of exciting materials. Using several microscopes, the domain size of samples are measured, as a function of applied magnetic field. Additionally, the magnetic saturation, coercivity, and hysteresis are measured by laser-transmission.

    An online labreport is available for registered students.

  9. The process of Spinodal Decomposition and Coarsening in Polymer Blends:

    The time and temperature dependence of the spinodal decomposition process in a polymer blend is determined by optical microscope observation of the patterns induced in a polymeric alloy quenched in situ at various temperatures on a Mettler hot stage. The microscope is interfaced with a video data acquisition system and the correlation length of the decomposition process are obtained from a Fourier Transform of the image. The phase diagram of the polymer can then be determined. The more advanced student can continue to perform SIMS and determine the concentration of the polymers in the co-existing phases of the alloy.

  10. Nanocomposites:

    An online labreport (MSWord ".doc") is available for registered students.

Below are nine JPEG images from the lab class.
Click on a thumbnail image to see the larger (~20KB) JPEG image.

For more information on Stony Brook, please check out:

For questions and comments regarding the class, please send email to Prof. Miriam Rafailovich

General equipment:

    Magneto-Optical using Image Analysis

  • Meiji Metallurgical Microscope
  • Nikon CoolPix camera
  • ImageTool and ImageJ image processing/analysis software
  • SONY Trinitron Monitor
  • PC computer
  • Samples, Calibration Slide, and Polarizers
  • Gaussmeter
  • DC power supply


  • Four-point probes, samples
  • DC power supply
  • LN2 dewar
  • Benchtop multimeters
  • Precursor chemicals
  • 135g balance
  • Molds, mortar, pestle
  • Carver pellet-press
  • High-temperature oven/furnace
  • X-ray diffractometer
  • WinTel computer

    Hall Effect

  • Two hand-held DVMs
  • Two benchtop DVMs
  • DC power supply
  • Several Hall sensors
  • Electromagnet
  • Gaussmeter
  • Assorted tools

    Fracture Toughness

  • Carver press
  • Molds
  • Screw drive
  • Motor control unit
  • PC computer

    Spinodal Decomposition and Coarsening

    Contact Angle

  • Spinner
  • Contact-angle microscope
  • Olympus microscope
  • SONY video printer
  • CCD-TV-RGB camera
  • Video collection system
  • Fume hood
  • Balance

    The Mossbauer Effect

  • PC computer
  • Samples and sources
  • Detector
  • Drive unit


  • PC computer
  • Vacuum pump
  • Samples and source
  • Detector
  • HV supply, counter, scalar, amp.

    Recently Purchased Equipment (Spring 2005)

  • Micropipettes
  • Confocal Stage
  • Centrifuge
  • Furnace heating elements
  • Gaussprobe
  • Hall Sensors

    Recently Purchased Equipment (Spring 2004)

  • Confocal Lenses
  • Water Filters
  • Camera
  • Superconductors
  • XRD Standard

    Recently Purchased Equipment (Spring 2003)

  • Furnace/Oven

    Recently Purchased Equipment (Fall 02)

  • Superconductors
  • Microscope
  • Camera
  • Tensile Tester
  • Computer
  • Filter
  • Camera
  • Modulator
  • Calcite
  • Laser and breadboard
  • Printer and scanner

    Recently Purchased Equipment (Fall 01)

  • Computer for Olympus Scope
  • Olympus focus block
  • Water filter parts

    Recently Purchased Equipment (Fall 00)

  • Contact Angle Meter

    Recently Purchased Equipment (Fall 99)

  • Microbalance
  • Gaussmeter
  • Hall Sensors
  • Coolpix
  • Benchtop MVMs

    Recently Purchased Equipment (Fall 98)

  • Temperature Controller
  • Power Supply
  • Two computers
  • Si crystals
  • Deskjet Printer
  • Grazing angle apparatus
  • Hall Effect Boards
  • Mossbauer Source

    Recently Purchased Equipment (Spring 98)

  • Spinner
  • Polymers
  • Super-conductor kits

    Recently Purchased Equipment (Spring 97)

  • Imaging Equipment for Olympus Scope
  • Moter Assembly for Spinner
  • Optics for Olympus Scope
  • Superconductivity Set
  • WinTel computer

    Recently Purchased Equipment (1994/1995)

  • Upgrade Olympus Microscope and Video Imaging System
  • Carver hot-press
  • Si Samples

    Recently Purchased Equipment (1993/1994)

  • Polymer molds
  • 2 "AND" balances
  • Hall effect kits
  • Superconductivity Kits
  • Si samples
  • Fume hood
  • CUE-4 imaging system
  • MCS/MCA system
  • Gateway 4DX2-66 Computer

    Recently Donated Equipment (1995/1996)

  • Gaerter Ellipsometer
  • Glove Box
  • Faraday Oscillator
  • Optical rails and components
  • X-Y Recorder
  • Lasers
  • AC/Hz Power Supply
  • Oscilloscope
  • Descicator

    Recently Donated Equipment (1996/1997)

  • Laser
  • MidWest Micro P133/16
  • Sony Trinitron Monitor
  • FlexCam Microscope
  • NeoMet metallurgical microscope
  • Stinger video-grabber
  • IP ImageTool Kit and ImageTool

    Recently Donated Equipment (1994/1995)

  • Several Power supplies
  • DVM's
  • NeoMet metallurgical microscope

    Recently Donated Equipment from Industry (1994/1997)

  • Mettler Hot Stage
  • FTIR
  • Surface-tension chamber

  Americans with Disabilities Act:
     If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning
     disability that may impact your course work, please contact
     Disability Support Services, ECC (Educational Communications
     Center) Building, room 128, (631) 632-6748. They will determine
     with you what accommodations, if any, are necessary and
     appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential.

    Academic Integrity:
     Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and
     be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing
     another person's work as your own is always wrong. Faculty are
     required to report any suspected instances of academic
     dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary.  Faculty in the Health
     Sciences Center (School of Health Technology & Management,
     Nursing, Social Welfare, Dental Medicine) and School of 
     Medicine are required to follow their school-specific 
     procedures.  For more comprehensive information on academic
     integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty, please
     refer to the academic judiciary website at

    Critical Incident Management:
     Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, 
     privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are required
     to report to the Office of Judicial Affairs any disruptive
     behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises 
     the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students'
     ability to learn.  Faculty in the HSC Schools and the School of
     Medicine are required to follow their school-specific 

03/01/2017 JQ.