ASM International, Long Island Chapter

Need Survey

Dear ASM-Long Island Member -

Below is a "needs survey".  Your feedback is important.
Infact, your feedback about this survey is equally important.
Please just type in your answers and comments, and respond
back to me at:

1. The major activities currently undertaken by 
   the Chapter for the benefit of the membership 
   are the monthly dinner/technical meetings plus, 
   of course, our end-of-the-year wine tasting/dinner.  
   What do you think we could do to improve these events 
   and make them more attractive?

2. What other activities would you like to see us undertake? 
   Indicate their relative importance to you.

3. In fact, what is the principal activity that 
   you would like to see us provide?

4. Have you ever viewed the ASM-LI web pages?
   If so, then were they useful?  What content 
   would you like to see added or removed?

5. Have you ever viewed the ASM-Intl web pages?
   If so, then were they useful?  What content 
   would you like to see added or removed?

6. Please feel free to add any other comments 
   or feedback about this survey.

Respond back to me at:

Back to the LI Chapter of the ASM Int'l

08/16/2018 BBowerman and JQ